Academic Life



At Fide Schools, students encounter mathematical concepts through a program that is connected to real-life experiences, aiming to foster their interest in mathematics. Our students use mathematics to overcome problem situations presented to them, starting from real-life experiences. Mathematics is taught not as a memorization subject, but with the aim of imparting basic mathematical skills through activities such as measuring for a table to be placed in the classroom, preparing a shopping budget, and playing with numbers in design.

Foreign Language

Foreign Language

The primary requirement for being a global citizen is proficiency in a foreign language. Our school features a strong and structured foreign language program. The foreign language program starts in early childhood education. By the time our students graduate from the eighth grade, it is aimed that they can express themselves well both in writing and orally in a second foreign language, in addition to their native language.

Reading Culture

Reading Culture

For the development of a reading culture, reading must become a habit. To make reading a beloved habit, we provide opportunities for our students to be around books at various points in the school. Every book in our school is carefully selected, taking into consideration children's preferences, and each student is given the freedom to choose books according to their interests.



Written expression is a skill that can be developed. It is important for students to enjoy writing and playing with words. Through playful processes and exciting writing activities designed for them, we believe our students will develop a positive attitude towards writing. In written expression, we focus on content rather than form. We encourage sharing of written works by students and ensure that the final products are valued. By providing individual freedom in written expression, we give students the opportunity to write in their own areas of interest.

Social Sciences

Social Sciences

The world is a treasure waiting to be discovered. At our school, in the field of social studies, we work with a methodology that removes memorization from classrooms and moves from events to facts by establishing cause-effect relationships.

Fine Arts

Fine Arts

We want each of our students to be good art perceivers. For this purpose, in our school, we ensure that our students are exposed to different fields of art from an early age. We offer fine arts education together with theme-related museum tours. If our students focus on a particular field, we share this with the families and lead the development of our students in that field.



Scientific rigor is indispensable in every aspect of our school. Knowing that science progresses through curiosity, we ensure that our students encounter science through projects that nourish their sense of curiosity and learn the stages of producing scientific knowledge. Our goal is for our questioning students to search for answers through experimentation and hands-on learning.



We use technology not only to make our work easier, but also to produce different languages. At Fide Schools, technology is an important tool for producing and discovering.

Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary Studies

Interdisciplinary work is valued at Fide Schools. We emphasize students encountering new learnings, being nourished by different fields, and striving for wholeness in learning.



We believe that it is contrary to children's nature for them to passively wait for long periods in class, especially when even adults cannot sit still for extended periods. Therefore, we value the importance of movement in our classrooms. When structuring our lesson contents, we prioritize freedom of movement.

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