Adem Özsöz

Adem Özsöz Adem Özsöz

Adem Özsöz

Wood Instructor

Adem Özsöz

Born in Istanbul in 1982. He graduated from Istanbul University's Faculty of Fisheries. He worked in the design and production departments of the outdoor advertising industry for ten years. He graduated with an associate degree from Istanbul University's Department of Child Development. After completing Waldorf Early Childhood Education training, he began the Waldorf Teacher Seminar in 2023.

His adventure, which began in 2015 with toys he designed for her son, was certified with mastership and master instructor training in the art of furniture decoration.

Scuba diving and photography are among his interests. His life motto consists of the concepts of curiosity, research, and production. He organizes wood workshops for children and adults in various venues.

He works as a Wood Instructor at Fide Schools.

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