Mehmet Kartal

Mehmet Kartal Mehmet Kartal

Mehmet Kartal

Deputy Academic Director

Mehmet Kartal

Mehmet Kartal graduated from Ege University's Elementary. Education Department in 2006. He began working voluntarily with children with special needs. He participated in Gazi University's Special Education Teaching Program and continued working in this field in Izmir until 2015.

He moved to Istanbul in 2015 and worked as an Elementary School Teacher at Özel Koşuyolu Mozaik Elementary School until 2018. He taught FPS (Future Problem Solving), Thinking Skills, Mind Games, Criminology, and Cryptology courses at summer schools held at Özyeğin University, Yeditepe University, and Bilgi University. In 2017, he began research on "Differentiation Strategies that Can be Used in Mathematics Lessons for Children" as part of the Bahçeşehir University Gifted and Talented Master's Program, which he continues to pursue.

With years of experience in various aspects of education, working with students with disabilities, those considered average, or those with exceptional potential, he believes that every child is unique and thus, every child needs "special education." He strives to redefine the meaning of the word "special."

Kartal has been interested in music since childhood, publishing his compositions on digital platforms and performing concerts with a group of childhood friends. He also sings in several animated films.

He currently serves as the Deputy Academic Director at Fide Schools.

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