Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan

Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan

Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan

Music Teacher

Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan

Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan graduated from Istanbul Avni Akyol Anatolian Fine Arts High School and started her 4-year undergraduate education in Music Education Department at Marmara University Faculty of Atatürk Education in 2012. She spent 2 semesters of her undergraduate education at the Academy of Music in Gdansk, Poland, through the Erasmus+ program, studying in the Music Education Department.

Building on her studies and training experiences, she completed her Master's degree in Music Advanced Studies at Istanbul Technical University in 2019 with her methodological study titled "ALFES" (Awareness-Listening and Feedback with Everyday Soundscapes). Drawing from her experiences teaching piano to preschool children, she published a piano method titled "Easy Piano for Little Pianists."

Seza Yüzbaşı Özarslan serves as a Music Teacher at Fide Schools Idealtepe Campus.

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