Zeynep Gürorman

Zeynep Gürorman Zeynep Gürorman

Zeynep Gürorman

Corporate Communications Manager


Zeynep Gürorman

She was born in Izmit. She spent her infancy, childhood, and youth in Bursa. While studying Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences at Uludag University in Bursa, she started working at Bursa's first private radio station, RadyoAktif, where she became the first news presenter. Later, she worked as a news reporter for the ATV A Team program and at Star TV News Center, where she contributed to numerous news reports and interviews.

Since 2005, she has been working in the field of corporate communication. She served as Corporate Communication Specialist and Manager at Çevre Koleji and Eyüboğlu Educational Institutions. 

Currently, she works as the Corporate Communication Manager at Fide Schools.

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